the fruit of this Vine-intimacy
is love
love that is patient
love that is kind
love that transforms my heart, then my mind
in one seed~ love
there is every gift from above
this love must first "be"
in me, so that then it can flow
through me
like sap flowing thru a tree
the fruit of this Vine-intimacy is John 15:3
Christ Yeshua in me, &
His words thru me
for others to see
His unparalleled beauty
the One who shed His blood for me
it is me surrendered so that I can
let Love be
let Love be...
when I can't see
others can still see
Love shining thru me
let Love be...
when there's nothing I can say
love comes and saves the day
let Love be...
when there's nothing I can do
Love steps in and makes all things new
let Love be...
when I fall to my knees, tears flowing and I'm praying
Love has already made a way
let Love be...
when healing is what I need
Love touches me and I am freed
in the fullness of time,
like the ripening of wine
freed from striving
now just abiding
in Love,
Who is the True Vine
this is me...
letting Love be